суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

advice on bad relationship

Iapos;m watching 30MM and RR is making her stupid Indian take out food (of course she just adds a couple Indian spices and then calls it Indian food), and Iapos;ve realized, she cannot say "coriander" or "cumin", she must say "nice bright coriander" and "nice smoky cumin". For the love of god, JUST SAY "CORIANDER" AND "CUMIN". PLEASE.

P.S. She also said that when she orders Indian take out she requests that they go easy on the oil. Yeah, because you donapos;t use too much oil in your food when you make it at home at all. She is such a hypocrite.
advice on bad relationship, advice on bar exam, advice on beauty, advice on border collie.

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