пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

care emergency urgent

M has to take the grammar portion of the state standardized test today. We went over it (again) by singing School House Rock Grammar songs while going to school today.

A noun is a person, place or thing.
Conjunction junction, whatapos;s your function.
Mr. Morton is the subject of the sentence, and what the predicate says, he does.
Interjections show excitement or emotion...
Busy P
Verb, thatapos;s whatapos;s happenin.
Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, get your adverbs here.
I unpacked my adjectives.

Which one is your favorite?

A conference with the principal and Mapos;s LD teacher a couple of weeks ago got me thinking about the generation gap these songs represent. M was having trouble identifying the predicate doing homework. I sang "Mr. Morton" to him (heapos;s seen all the cartoons on dvd) and the light went on, and heapos;s aced all the tests since then. The discussion in the conference was at how surprisingly well M was doing with parts of speech (considering how poorly he does with anything else involving english). I sang the tag line for Mr. Morton and the principal (my age) lite up and laughed. Mapos;s teacher (mid 20apos;s) was puzzled.

My generation learned a lot from Schoolhouse Rock, then they went away about the time Katie was born, and finally came out on video when Mike was small. Thereapos;s a whole generation of people who canapos;t sing the Preamble or Conjunction Junction... And a lot of them are now teachers... Iapos;ve promised to lend the LD teacher our dvds.
care emergency urgent, care emergi, care emerginc skin, care emerging ethical health in issue.

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